Ca4l_channel | Structure describing some channel's characteristics |
Ca4l_channels_desc | Structure describing a channels set |
Ca4l_cmd_desc | Structure describing the asynchronous instruction |
Ca4l_descriptor | Structure containing device-information useful to users |
Ca4l_driver | Structure containing driver declaration data |
Ca4l_instruction | Structure describing the synchronous instruction |
Ca4l_instruction_list | Structure describing the list of synchronous instructions |
Ca4l_range | Structure describing a (unique) range |
Ca4l_subdevice | Structure describing the subdevice |
Catomic_t | Copyright © 2011 Gilles Chanteperdrix gille s.ch antep erdr ix@xe noma i.org |
Ccan_bittime | Custom CAN bit-time definition |
Ccan_bittime_btr | Hardware-specific BTR bit-times |
Ccan_bittime_std | Standard bit-time parameters according to Bosch |
Ccan_filter | Filter for reception of CAN messages |
Ccan_frame | Raw CAN frame |
Ccan_ifreq | CAN interface request descriptor |
Cmacb_dma_desc | Hardware DMA descriptor |
Cmacb_tx_skb | Data about an skb which is being transmitted |
CRT_ALARM_INFO | Alarm status descriptor |
CRT_BUFFER_INFO | Buffer status descriptor |
CRT_COND_INFO | Condition variable status descriptor |
CRT_EVENT_INFO | Event status descriptor |
CRT_HEAP_INFO | Heap status descriptor |
CRT_MUTEX_INFO | Mutex status descriptor |
CRT_QUEUE_INFO | Queue status descriptor |
CRT_SEM_INFO | Semaphore status descriptor |
CRT_TASK_INFO | Task status descriptor |
Crt_timer_info | Timer status descriptor |
Crtdm_dev_context | Device context |
Crtdm_device | RTDM device |
Crtdm_device_info | Device information |
Crtdm_driver | RTDM driver |
Crtdm_fd_ops | RTDM file operation descriptor |
Crtdm_gpio_readout | |
Crtdm_profile_info | RTDM profile information |
Crtdm_sm_ops | RTDM state management handlers |
Crtdm_spi_config | |
Crtipc_port_label | Port label information structure |
Crtser_config | Serial device configuration |
Crtser_event | Additional information about serial device events |
Crtser_status | Serial device status |
Csockaddr_can | Socket address structure for the CAN address family |
Csockaddr_ipc | Socket address structure for the RTIPC address family |
▼Cudd_device | |
Cudd_reserved | Reserved to the UDD core |
Cudd_memregion | |
Cudd_signotify | UDD event notification descriptor |
Cxnsched | Scheduling information structure |
Cxnvfile_lock_ops | Vfile locking operations |
Cxnvfile_regular_iterator | Regular vfile iterator |
Cxnvfile_regular_ops | Regular vfile operation descriptor |
Cxnvfile_rev_tag | Snapshot revision tag |
Cxnvfile_snapshot | Snapshot vfile descriptor |
Cxnvfile_snapshot_iterator | Snapshot-driven vfile iterator |
Cxnvfile_snapshot_ops | Snapshot vfile operation descriptor |